Taming Your FUD Monster to Create the Consulting Career of Your Dreams

Taming Your FUD Monster to Create the Consulting Career of Your Dreams

The one thing all independent consultants and coaches have in common is we all get FUD from time to time: FEAR of change, UNCERTAINTY about how to address a situation, and DOUBT about trying something new. When these emotions crop up, I refer to it as the FUD monster. I imagine a hairy gremlin on my shoulder, whispering nasty self-doubt into my ear. Here’s what you can do to tame your FUD monster…

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Use the Power of Intention for Critical Conversations

Use the Power of Intention for Critical Conversations

As consultants, our ability to communicate effectively is vital to our success. Whether you’re meeting a potential client for the first time or you have to deliver some difficult feedback, it’s hard to over prepare.  That said, I suspect most of us don’t do enough preparation for these important conversations. Sure, we may jot down our key points or put together a flawless presentation, but have we prepared our brains to seek the outcomes we desire?  …

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Use ChatGPT to Boost Your Productivity as a Consultant

Use ChatGPT to Boost Your Productivity as a Consultant

Of course you’ve heard of ChatGPT but are you using it to work smarter and more efficiently yet? If not, you should be! Recently the Professional Independent Consultants of America (PICA) hosted a members-only roundtable discussion to help people jumpstart their use of this powerful tool. Special thanks to Alexis Hultine of Digital by Design, and Dave Seaton of SeatonCX for leading the session and sharing their insights. This article was written by ChatGPT using the transcript of the roundtable.

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Start Each Engagement with the WOW Factor

Start Each Engagement with the WOW Factor

One of my “whys” for becoming a solopreneur nearly 20 years ago was to have more quality time with my daughter. Self-employment would not only let me set the boundaries I needed, but it would also allow me to manage my time as well as my clients’ expectations. To do this…

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What Clients Look for When Hiring a Solopreneur

What Clients Look for When Hiring a Solopreneur

After decades of working with some of the worlds’ best consultants, coaches, and solopreneurs, I’ve assembled a list of qualities that contribute to their success. You don’t need to check all these boxes, but if any strike a chord with you, weave them into your marketing, such as your website, LinkedIn profile, presentations, and proposals.

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Self-Employed? Think APV: Always Provide Value

Self-Employed? Think APV: Always Provide Value

As a solopreneur responsible for finding your own work, you may be tempted to adopt the ABC sales mantra, “Always Be Closing,” as described so powerfully by Alec Baldwin in the movie Glengarry Glen Ross. But when you’re self-employed, ABC might be the kiss of death to your business because nobody likes being sold.  As coaches, independent consultants, and financial planners, we’re problem-solvers, not salespeople. We want to be remembered and trusted, so put the client first.

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Nine Things to Think About Before Taking the Leap to Independent Consulting

Nine Things to Think About Before Taking the Leap to Independent Consulting

Being a self-employed solopreneur isn’t for everyone. Sure, it sounds fabulous—the ability to be selective about the work you do, have a flexible schedule, escape office politics, make good money—but there are drawbacks. I made the leap to independent consulting in 2004 and never looked back. Although I made more money while working fewer hours, I also had to learn how to run my own business. Here are nine things to think about before taking the leap to become a solopreneur.

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How to Be an Effective Consultant While Working Remotely

How to Be an Effective Consultant While Working Remotely

As independent consultants, we’ve all probably worked remotely to some extent but as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it appears that working virtually will be part of the “new normal.” Companies are figuring out their “work from anywhere” and/or hybrid models as the pandemic drags on and the “great resignation” threatens to lure employees away.

To complicate things further for consultants, clients may misperceive “checking in” as a waste of time and/or something they don’t want to pay for. Or worse, they may still have the mindset that if they can’t see the consultant doing the work, they might think they’re overpaying…

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How to Be an Effective Consultant on Virtual Projects

How to Be an Effective Consultant on Virtual Projects

As independent consultants, we’ve all worked remotely to some extent but now we are working virtually 100%. And likely, this isn’t temporary. Many companies are already saying they won’t require every employee to return to the workplace this calendar year. Some are considering shifting permanently to “work from anywhere”.

To complicate things further, many of our clients are learning how to work virtually for the first time and they may misperceive “checking in” as a waste of time and/or something they don’t want to pay for. Or worse, they may still have the mindset that if they can’t see the consultant doing the work, they might think they’re overpaying.

Given that consulting is relationship based, it’s imperative that we build credibility and trust quickly…

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20 Qualities of a Consulting Rock Star

20 Qualities of a Consulting Rock Star

This month the PICA community has been focusing on sharpening our consulting skills so we’re reprising one of our founder’s most popular LinkedIn articles. First published January 2015, it’s just as relevant today as it was then. We’ve also expanded the original list of qualities from 19 to an even 20, and updated a few other things based the LinkedIn comments. Here’s to a your success!

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Let’s face it, not all consultants are created equal. Some can seemingly do anything with grace, style, and ease while others struggle to make anything happen. Over the last 20 years I’ve interacted with probably a thousand management consultants, from local independent practitioners to global “big four” advisors. Some are rock stars and some never will be, regardless of their education or what consulting firm they work for.

In a nutshell, a consulting rock star is someone who loves helping clients succeed, does whatever it takes to do so, keeps their word, effectively manages expectations, and produces A-quality work. They make the right things happen. They are smart, professional yet personable, excellent listeners with self-confidence, and…

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See Something, Say Something: 3 Three-Word Tips

See Something, Say Something: 3 Three-Word Tips

As consultants, it’s our job to help our clients solve problems and operate at their best. Sometimes this is easy, particularly when the needed correction is related to a process or operational improvement. For example, “You can decrease your product return rate by moving the quality checks upstream in the process.” Frequently, however, the advice is harder to deliver because it’s more personal, like when a business leader needs to change a behavior or a team member is acting inappropriately. In these situations, we may think about saying something, but it’s too awkward so we don’t. We wimp out and, in doing so, we do a disservice to the company that hired us. We’re not being our best.

Over the years I’ve discovered three, three-word tricks to make delivering difficult observations and advice easier — and more effective.

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Two Reflection Exercises to Help You Work Smarter

Two Reflection Exercises to Help You Work Smarter

Everyone wants to work smarter, but when you’re self-employed finding time to work on your business, not just in it, is hard. You’re already so busy doing client work, where’s the time to make improvement? It’s even harder to step back and evaluate what you’re doing, not just how you’re doing it. Working smarter is about doing the right things, not just doing tasks more efficiently. 

But how do you know if you’re doing the right things? And what does “working smarter” really mean? Most businesses measure growth rate, client retention, revenue, and profit margin. However, as an independent consultant one thing is even more important—your own satisfaction and fulfillment, or literally your “internal rate of return.” You went out on your own for a reason—how is it working out?  

Below are two simple exercises to help you assess your internal rate of return and point you to working smarter. It’s best to do one or both either while you’re on vacation or just back from one, after you’ve cleared your brain a bit and caught your breath. Another option is to use your morning run or commute to think about these questions—no music, just listen to your thoughts. 

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Consulting and Coaching: Be Wary of Mixing the Two

Consulting and Coaching: Be Wary of Mixing the Two

If you describe yourself as both a consultant and coach, this article is for youThere’s a lot of grey area and overlap between the two. Many self-employed professionals go to market as both. For example:

  • Mary Smith: Executive Coach & Consultant
  • John Doe: Organization Effectiveness Consultant and Leadership Coach

Usually there’s nothing wrong with this. Nearly all consultants I know consider themselves coaches to some extent because they often have to get a client to do something, to say something a certain way, or to see something they may not want to acknowledge. Sometimes the consultant has to “hold up a mirror” to a senior leader and point out a disruptive behavior that’s hampering the project’s success.

But consultants are not executive coaches. There is a fundamental difference in how each approaches their work. Being conscious of which approach is required is critical to a successful engagement. 

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Independent Consultants: Excellence Begins Here

Independent Consultants: Excellence Begins Here

Have you ever dreamed about starting something and the idea just won’t go away?  You give yourself all sorts of reasons not to pursue it.

“I don’t have time.”

“Someone else has probably already done it.”

 “It’s too big. I’ll never be able to accomplish it.”

“I can’t commit to another thing!”

Or in my case, “I hate to write.”

But the idea still won’t go away.

Now, you start thinking about all the reasons you should do it. As you talk yourself into it, the idea spawns scores of related ideas, and you can’t not do it.

So here I am, launching this blogwhich will help you become a better management consultant and solopreneur.

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