Ten Ways to Boost Cash Flow as an Independent Consultant

Ten Ways to Boost Cash Flow as an Independent Consultant

As a solopreneur, you’re undoubtedly familiar with the feast-or-famine cash flow rollercoaster that most small businesses face. Downtime between projects combined with slow payments can wreak havoc on your bank account. Here are several strategies you can use to achieve these objectives and improve the health of your business.

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Steps for Getting Started as an Independent Consultant

Steps for Getting Started as an Independent Consultant

If you're preparing to launch your own business, you're probably experiencing a mix of excitement and anxiety. As someone who's helped hundreds of professionals make the leap to self-employment, I can assure you that those feelings are completely normal. But here's the good news: with the right preparation, mindset, and support, you can move forward with confidence.

Naturally, there are a hundred things to learn and do when you’re just starting out. Here’s an overview of the initial steps with additional resources at the end.

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How to Get Your Client to Pony Up and Pay

How to Get Your Client to Pony Up and Pay

Sometimes, no matter how many times you remind a client to pay you, they still don’t send the money. Your client might give all sorts of excuses, or worse, they stop replying to you at all.

Whether it’s $5,000 or $500,000, it’s still worth taking the time to get the money you deserve, and you may not even need to hire a lawyer or collections agent. Based on personal experience, here are some things you can do on your own.*

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Legal Alert: Independent Consultants May Need to Comply with New Corporate Transparency Act

Legal Alert: Independent Consultants May Need to Comply with New Corporate Transparency Act

Although the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) sounds like it only applies to large corporations, it affects you as an independent consultant if your business is structured as anything other than a sole proprietorship. If your business is an LLC, C-corporation, or filing taxes as an S-corp, you are legally obligated to fulfil the reporting requirement that kicked in at the start of this year. This article tells you what you need to know and how to comply so you can avoid unnecessary fees and penalties.

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Use a Professional Email Account to Boost Perceptions, Pay, and Profit

Use a Professional Email Account to Boost Perceptions, Pay, and Profit

Conveying a professional image is critical to maximizing pay and profit when you’re self-employed. One of the easiest and most affordable ways to be perceived as a professional is to use a business email address.

If you’re using an email that ends with @gmail, @hotmail, or @outlook, or a “fake business email” like JohnDoeConsulting@gmail.com, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Instead, present yourself as a professional by using an email with the name of your business as the domain. For example, John@PremierConsulting.com or…

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Every Solopreneur Should Know Their Why

Every Solopreneur Should Know Their Why

Solopreneurship is not the right career choice for everyone. You have to do things you’ve never done before and push your boundaries, all while trying to earn a living. It takes courage, persistence and grit because fear, uncertainty, and doubt—FUD—is always lurking, trying to coax you back to the safety of a “real job.”…

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5 Steps to Becoming a Millionaire as a Solopreneur

5 Steps to Becoming a Millionaire as a Solopreneur

Financial stability is one of the top concerns when considering self-employment. Cash flow will be erratic, and it takes time (sometimes years) before you feel confident about making a living as a solopreneur. Becoming a millionaire while self-employed can seem unlikely, yet I did it without really trying. Here are my five steps to becoming a millionaire as a solopreneur.

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Now is the Best Time to Raise Your Billing Rate

Now is the Best Time to Raise Your Billing Rate

The best time to raise your billing rate is on the cusp of something new — a new year, new project, new client. With the new year just around the corner, now is an excellent time to inform your clients. This article offers explains how to raise your rate, as well as some sample language …

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The Perfect Time to Raise Your Consulting Billing Rate

The Perfect Time to Raise Your Consulting Billing Rate

The easiest time to raise your rate is on the cusp of something new — a new year, a new project, a new client. With the new year just a few weeks away, now may be the perfect time. This article offers ideas of how to do this, as well as some sample language to use when notifying your clients.

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Avoid W-2 Status and Extra Tax: Become a Licensed Business

Avoid W-2 Status and Extra Tax: Become a Licensed Business

One of the benefits of being self-employed is paying less tax than you would if you were paid like an employee on a W-2 tax basis. If you’re smart, you’re getting paid on 1099 tax basis, deducting your business expenses, and contributing to your own retirement plan to lower your tax bill. (This two-minute video explains how this works.)

But California’s new law, AB5, is making it harder to qualify as an independent contractor and get paid on a 1099 tax basis. Even if you don’t work in California but do business with a national corporation, you’ll likely have to follow these new rules because …

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Is It Time to Consider a Fixed Fee for Your Consulting Services?

Is It Time to Consider a Fixed Fee for Your Consulting Services?

Generally, the more experience you have as an independent consultant, the more likely you should move from billing by the hour to a fixed fee. At some point you’ll master your specialty and work much more efficiently than others. This means to earn what your services are truly worth, you’ll have to keep raising your hourly rates. But at some point, you’ll reach an invisible rate ceiling when clients think you’re too expensive, even if it takes you half the time to do the work.

When you reach this point, it’s time to start thinking about billing for your services by the project instead of by the hour or day. The idea is to price the project as if you’re going to do it from scratch, even though you know you’re going to adapt plans and materials from prior projects. By doing so, you’ll boost your income per hour.

Here’s an example…

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What To Do If Your Client Doesn't Pay

What To Do If Your Client Doesn't Pay

It was bound to happen. After 15 years and hundreds of contracts, I finally had a client that didn’t pay, and didn’t pay, and didn’t pay. For six months there was one lame update after another. “We’re working on it,” or “We’ve switched to a new process.”

Yesterday, my bank finally received the wire transfer. Here’s my story, what I learned along the way, and steps you can take if you find yourself in the same situation.

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Website or No Website? Answers and Help for Independent Consultants

Website or No Website? Answers and Help for Independent Consultants

As a self-employed consultant do you really need a website?

I’m asked this a lot, particularly if a consultant gets most business from referrals or they contract through agencies or boutique firms. Besides, it’s highly unlikely that a prospective client is going to stumble upon your website and decide to hire you. Surely creating a website is a waste of time and money, right?

I used to say that if you had a really strong LinkedIn profile and you keep your network warm, you probably didn’t need a website. Indeed, I know dozens of independent consultants making six-figure incomes without one.

Now, however, my answer is, yes, absolutely, you need to have a business website. Here’s why:

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How I Became a Millionaire as an Independent Consultant

How I Became a Millionaire as an Independent Consultant

Recently I logged into my retirement accounts and was surprised (and pleased!) to see that I had crossed the million-dollar mark. I don’t consider myself rich. In fact, money is usually tight at the end of the month. Yet my bank account says I’m a millionaire.

How did I do this? How can other self-employed consultants become wealthy too? Reflecting on my years as an independent consultant, I’ve boiled it down to five keys to success. (Sidebar: People define success differently. To me, having a million bucks in retirement savings is only one part of my total wealth. I also have a comfortable home, I’m healthy, and I have terrific relationships with family and friends. But I digress.)

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How to Figure Out Your Consulting Bill Rate

How to Figure Out Your Consulting Bill Rate

Dear Liz, 

I have a quick question. I know a consultant who is going to do some work designing a company’s program for high-potential employees. The consultant has talent but not much experience. What hourly rate would you consider low, fair, too high? Can you ballpark this for me?

- Louis

Although the question is brief, a helpful answer is not. Pricing consulting services is notoriously difficult, particularly for self-employed consultants. You need to consider the real and perceived value of your services, expertise, and experience, as well as geography and market conditions. Several factors need to be considered:

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Quote Your Consulting Billing Rate with Confidence

Quote Your Consulting Billing Rate with Confidence

It takes practice to quote your consulting billing rate with confidence. The tactics in this article will help if you bill by the hour or by the day. There are other ways to bill for your talent and expertise but those will be covered in another article.

Benchmark so you know your rate is reasonable. There are lots of ways to do this. Talk with other consultants, do a web search on typical management consulting rates in your city or state, and/or try converting your employee salary to an hourly rate. Warning: this last calculation will be quite low since it doesn’t include profit, expenses, or the time it takes to run your business; try increasing this number by 40- 50%.

It also helps to have an idea of what consulting firms charge for consultants of similar background and expertise. Although rate information is a closely guarded secret, based on my 20 years in the industry here are very rough ballpark numbers for “management consulting” (not IT consulting, project management, training development, etc.).

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Contractor, Consultant, or Both: It Matters!

Contractor, Consultant, or Both: It Matters!

With the rise of the free agent nation and gig economy, there’s rampant confusion around the terms contractor, consultant, and independent contractor. If you are a self-employed consultant, you don’t want to be a contractor but do want to be an independent contractor. This article explains why.

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Why Friends Don't Let Friends W-2

Why Friends Don't Let Friends W-2

As an independent consultant, does it matter how I get paid?”

Absolutely! In the U.S., being paid on a 1099 tax basis as a business instead of on a W-2 tax basis like a temp worker makes a huge difference to your profitability for two key reasons:

  1.  You pay less tax.
  2.  You save more for retirement.

Here’s how I figured this out.

Several years ago, as an independent consultant I did my taxes two ways using TurboTax® software. The first used my legitimate tax return that showed I was paid on a 1099 basis. In other words, I had received 1099 tax statements from my clients for that tax year; I did not have any W-2 tax statements. On this tax return, I took standard business deductions (for example, for my home office, supplies, and mileage), and I factored in my retirement contribution to my SEP IRA (Simplified Employee Pension).

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