PICA Member Spotlights
Q&A with independent consultants who successfully “made the leap” and created the consulting career of their dreams
Q: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us the name of your business and your consulting specialty?
A: Hello, I’m Kim Cremers, PharmD and my company is Petrichor Medical Affairs Consulting. We offer comprehensive strategic guidance, planning, and executional support for pharmaceutical companies that need to establish, optimize, or expand their Medical Science Liaison (MSL) teams. We work with large companies to augment their impact and small companies to build their capabilities.
Why Petrichor? Petrichor is the pleasant, fresh smell that accompanies the first rain after a period of warm, dry weather. I provide fresh thinking for companies that are ready to grow their teams drawing on my 30 years of experience and proven success in designing and implementing cross-functional improvement initiatives and new therapeutic services.
Q: How long have you been independent?
A: It’s hard to believe, but I started my business almost 2 years ago.
Q: Why did you become an independent consultant?
A: I started as a solopreneur after taking a break from working in the pharmaceutical industry full-time. In this journey, I’ve challenged myself to reflect on how I could use my skills and experience to start a new chapter that allows me to best balance my personal interests with work that increases the impact of Medical Affairs teams.
Q: What’s surprised you the most about being self-employed?
A: I’ve navigated from a schedule filled with back-to-back meetings to having a flexible schedule with more room to think. The surprise for me is how much more creative I can be with just a little extra time to develop fresh ideas and solutions. I like this surprise!
Q: What does the word “solopreneur” mean to you?
A: To me, solopreneur means having my own business and while that’s true, I have found that I’m not working alone. I have a great network of colleagues, old and new, who have supported me and offer opportunities where I can have impact. Reaching out to my network and initiating conversations to expand my network has been enjoyable and offered good learnings.
Q: What advice would you give to someone who’s thinking about making the leap to solopreneurship or who is just starting out?
A: Patience is a virtue. While I secured my first client quickly, the process can be slow going. Many conversations sound fruitful but do not result in immediate work. I think of those conversations as planting a seed for the future and don’t let the lack of immediate return get me down. I keep my eyes open and head up looking for opportunities from multiple sources whether that is through networking, opportunities posted on LinkedIn, or by attending conferences. I’ve also diversified my thinking including the dimensions of the pharmaceutical industry in which I can provide value.
Q: Is there a particular quote or saying that you use as personal motivation?
A: “The Dash” by Linda Ellis is a poem that speaks to me on many levels. In the poem she talks about the “dash” between the day we are born and the day we pass and how we lived that time. “For it matters not how much we own, the cars, the house, the cash. What matters is how we live and love, and how we spend our dash.” For me it’s a reminder to take time for the people in your life, do work that matters, and live a life with meaning.
Q: How can people find out more about your business?
A: My website (www.petrichormaconsulting.com) outlines my business and I’m always happy to have a conversation!
I also share insights on the art of being an impactful Medical Science Liaison through a collaboration with Kevin E. O’Connor, an esteemed Executive Coach. Join our LinkedIn MSL community to access the tips, as well as our mailing list to receive the complete tip series delivered right to your inbox.
~ ~ ~ Additional PICA Resources ~ ~ ~
On-demand course: Getting Started as a Solopreneur
Article: Getting Started as Your Own Business
Article: Shift Your Perspective to Make Business Development Easier